More Than A Fashion Statement

Growing up, we always knew we were different. Not just in the way we prayed or the words we recited, but in the way we carried ourselves, in the way we saw the world. The Quran told us we were meant to stand apart, to walk a path that wasn’t always easy but was always right. And yet, when we looked around, we didn’t see that reflected in the things we wore. Streetwear had a voice—bold, confident, unapologetic. So why couldn’t we?

That’s where Verseknit was born. A way to wear our faith without compromise. A way to stand out, not just because of how we dress, but because of what it represents. No models, no overexposure—just clean, intentional designs featuring Quranic verse numbers as a modest but powerful reminder of the words that guide us.

Our mission is bigger than fashion. It’s about sparking conversations, opening doors, and letting faith speak in ways we never expected. Maybe it starts with a simple question—someone noticing the numbers on your hoodie, asking what they mean. Maybe that moment of curiosity leads them to a verse, then to reflection, then to something greater. Maybe, without even realizing it, you become the reason someone takes their first step toward Allah.

That’s the beauty of what we do. Verseknit isn’t just clothing; it’s a way to spread the message without ever saying a word. And in that, there’s a reward we can’t even measure. Imagine standing before Allah, and He shows you the person who found their way because of something you wore. Something as simple as a shirt, a hoodie, a number—but with meaning beyond this world. That’s the kind of impact we pray for. That’s the kind of legacy we want to build.

"Whoever guides someone to goodness will have the reward of the one who follows it." — Sahih Muslim 1893


We are a small Muslim-owned clothing company committed to making a difference. That’s why we proudly donate 15% of all profits to charity, supporting those in need. With every purchase, you’re not just wearing quality apparel—you’re also contributing to a greater cause.

نحن شركة ملابس صغيرة مملوكة لمسلمين ملتزمة بإحداث فرق. ولهذا السبب نتبرع بفخر بنسبة %١٥ من جميع الأرباح للأعمال الخيرية، وندعم المحتاجين. مع كل عملية شراء، فإنك لا ترتدي ملابس عالية الجودة فحسب، بل تساهم أيضًا في قضية أكبر.